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It's a Spring Thing
Mar 04 2017- Details
- Hits: 5963
Florals, flowers, and finally green everywhere . . . spring is a season of everything fresh and bright! As the beautiful quote perfectly says:
And to celebrate this season of both sunshine and rain, we’ve collected our spring favorites. Today, we’d like to share with you what we think the perfect spring-inspired music and skating dress would be!
Music: “Spring” by Vivaldi (click here to watch Julia Fischer play this lovely classic!)
Dress: our sketch (inspired by the designs of LK Bennett)
Only 16 days until spring!
“Live Kühn” is German for “Live Bold.” We provide high-performance products that support passionate, bold and driven athletes who need protection and a solution – for both their mental and physical well-being.
With KÜHN® PeacePads™, you will experience ☮, which will help you skate boldly without fear of falling.
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